pg course
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Senior year UG students can normally take PG courses. Co-listing UG and PG courses is therefore only appropriate when it can be justified by differences between the UG and PG versions, e.g. when the two versions assign different assignments, assess the same assignments differently, have different credit loads for the two different versions of the class, etc. These distinctions should be made clear to the students prior to registration.

Requests for co-listing UG and PG courses should be made at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the term in which the courses will be offered. Requests should be sent to the Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (via the PG Secretariat) who will consider it together with the Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning). Requests should consist of a cover memo along with the completed form.

  1. Form for Co-listing UG and PG Courses
  2. Accompanying Notes for Form for Co-listing UG and PG Courses