Our students and graduates come from various countries and study different programs. They have one thing in common - they enjoy studying at HKUST and have gained valuable experience here.
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Physics
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
from Hong Kong
MPhil in Social Science
from Ghana
MPhil in Civil Engineering
from South Africa
PhD in Civil Engineering
from The Mainland of China
MPhil & PhD in Economics
from India
MPhil in Civil Engineering
from Indonesia
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
from Malaysia
MPhil in Life Science
from Germany
PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
MPhil in Atmospheric Environmental Science
from Germany
PhD in Chemistry (Nanotechnology Concentration)
from Hong Kong
BEng and MPhil in Civil Engineering
from Malaysia
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Finance
from The Mainland of China
MPhil in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Life Science
MPhil in Life Science
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
from Malaysia
MPhil & PhD in Bioengineering
from Greece
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
from Malaysia
PhD in Environmental Engineering
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
from Pakistan
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from Germany
PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
MSc in Environmental Science and Management
from The Philippines
MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
from Malaysia
MSc in Mechanical Engineering
from Hong Kong
MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from Hong Kong
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
from United States
PhD in Bioengineering
from Hong Kong
PhD in Civil Engineering
from The Mainland of China
MSc in Financial Mathematics
from Hong Kong
MPhil & PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from United Kingdom
PhD in Life Science
from Singapore
MPhil in Public Policy
from South Korea
MPhil in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
from India
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
from Hong Kong
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
MPhil in Bioengineering
from Nigeria
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management
from The Mainland of China
MPhil in Mechanical Engineering
from Hong Kong
MPhil in Marine Environmental Science
from Hong Kong
PhD in Chemistry
MPhil in Chemistry
from Ghana
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
from The Mainland of China
MPhil & PhD in Humanities
from Hong Kong
PhD in Operations Management
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
from The Philippines
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
from Pakistan
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from Netherlands
PhD in Physics
from Hong Kong
PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science
MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
from Brazil
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from United States
MA in International Language Education (Teaching English as a Second Language)
from Hong Kong
MPhil & PhD in Life Science
MSc in Biotechnology
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Hong Kong
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
from Italy
PhD in Management
from The Mainland of China
MPhil in Mathematics
from Malaysia
MPhil in Environmental Engineering
from Czech Republic
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
from The Mainland of China
MSc & PhD in Economics
from Japan
MPhil in Mechanical Engineering
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Civil Engineering
MSc in Environmental Engineering and Management
from Romania
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Life Science
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from Iran
PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from India
MPhil & PhD in Civil Engineering
from India
PhD in Finance
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Hong Kong
MPhil in Mathematics
from Bangladesh
MPhil & PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from Mexico
PhD in Chemistry
from Italy
PhD in Life Science
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Bioengineering
from Hong Kong
MPhil & PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
from Malaysia
MPhil in Civil Engineering
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Hong Kong
PhD in Chemistry
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Nigeria
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
from Greece
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Germany
PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Marketing
from South Korea
PhD in Finance
form Italy
PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
from Pakistan
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Indonesia
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Scientific Computation Concentration)
MPhil in Mechanical Engineering
from Japan
from Ethiopia
PhD in Environmental Engineering
from Hong Kong
MPhil in Humanities
from The Mainland of China
PhD in Chemistry
from Hong Kong
PhD in Civil Engineering
from Bangladesh
MPhil in Electronic and Computer Engineering
from Hong Kong
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
from Hong Kong
PhD in Chemistry