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Before registering as a student, you will need to submit official documents to confirm your admission offer. Arrange original academic credentials and/or score reports of public examinations to be sent directly by the issuing authority as soon as possible.

Your documents should reach us by the deadline stipulated in the offer letter/ document checklist. Whenever possible, we prefer official electronic transcripts and score reports sent directly by the issuing authorities. Please request your home institution to send electronic transcripts quoting your application number and applied program to:

For documents in hard copies, please send to the following address with a mailing cover stating your application number and program:

HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School
Room 6418 (Lifts 25/26), Academic Building
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Application Number: 6XXXXXXXXXX
Program: PhD in XXXX


  • Find out in advance when and how to obtain official documents. Some institutions may not offer such services during school holidays.
  • Check the most up-to-date document receipt status at the document checklist in the Online Admission System. Take note of remarks by the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (FYTGS).
  • If the status is not updated 7 working days after a document should have been received, please double check with the issuing authority or courier service provider. Ensure that the documents have been sent to the right mailing address.
  • If you have difficulty in meeting the stipulated deadline, please contact us.
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Documents Required for Qualification Verification

In general, you will need to send official copies of the following documents:

  • Documents substantiating qualifications you have already obtained; and
  • Proof that conditions for admission, if any, have been met.

Refer to the document checklist in the Online Admission System for the exact materials you have to submit. Documents required are specific to your offer.

Please note that all documents submitted will NOT be returned. Do NOT send us originals which are difficult or impossible to replace.

Select your role and find out more on the document requirement:


Applicants from HKUST
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1. Academic Credentials

  • For all HKUST students/ graduates, FYTGS will retrieve your HKUST transcript from the Academic Registry. You do not need to make any requests. Receipt statuses in the online document checklist will be updated from April for Fall admission and from November for Spring admission.
  • For HKUST postgraduate students/ graduates, FYTGS will retrieve the degree qualifications, English test and/ or public exam record(s) that you submitted to HKUST upon your last PG admission. FYTGS reserves the rights to request applicants for the submission of official documents if deemed necessary.
  • If you are applying for research studies, you are required to provide a full record of all degrees you obtained. For qualifications from other institutions, please refer to the appropriate sections for the requirements.

2. Score Reports of GMAT or GRE

  • Must be sent directly by the issuing authority. Arrange electronic score reports unless such service is not available in your region. Please click here for University Codes.
  • As issuing authorities will not send reports for expired scores, it is important to arrange official reports to be sent to HKUST well before the test score expires, even if an admission offer has not been made.

3. PSC or HSK Certificates (for MA ILE applicants only)

Applicants from Universities in Mainland China
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1. Academic Credentials

  • Please submit:
    • a certified true copy of Degree Certificate (學位證書) issued by a central unit (e.g. Registry or equivalent) of your home institution or Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate (中國高等教育學位在綫驗証報告) issued by the CHSI (中國高等教育學生信息網).
    • official final transcript issued by a central unit (e.g. Registry or equivalent) of your home institution, which include the following elements:
      • your name and identification information (e.g. date of birth, ID no., etc)
      • results of all coursework and project(s) required for degree award
      • your final GPA/grade/score with explanation of the grading system
  • Transcripts should be sent by the following means:
    • electronic transcript: please ask your institution to share it to directly via designated secure websites, or
    • hard copy directly from your home institution to FYTGS: please include this transcript submission cover sheet, or
    • hard copy in an envelope sealed by the institution: acceptable only if the issuing authority does not provide direct delivery service. The envelope should be stamped on the sealed flap and must not be opened. Please include this transcript submission cover sheet.
  • If you are applying for research studies, you are required to submit supporting documents for all degrees you obtained. For qualifications from other institutions, please refer to the appropriate sections for the requirements.

2. Letter of Graduation Certification (for Final Year Students)

  • If you are a final year student whose degree award is confirmed but the degree certificate/ diploma will not be available before your study at HKUST commences, you may submit a letter of graduation certification issued by a central unit (e.g. Registry or equivalent) of your home institution as proof.
  • The letter should include the following:
    • your name and identification information (e.g. date of birth, ID no., etc)
    • the degree you will be awarded
    • the date of conferment and (if applicable) award classification
    • letterhead of your home institution
    • the name and position of the person authorized to issue the certificate
    • official stamp of your home institution

3. Letter of GPA Certification

  • If your final GPA/grade/score is not shown on your final transcript, please provide the information by requesting a central unit of your home institution (e.g. Registry or equivalent) to issue a document that includes the following:
    • your name and identification information (e.g. date of birth, ID no., etc)
    • the program of study
    • the final GPA/grade/score you achieved and the highest GPA/grade/score in the grading system of your institution (e.g. CGA 3 out of 4)
    • letterhead of your home institution
    • the name and position of the person authorized to issue the certificate
    • official stamp of your home institution
  • Alternatively, you can calculate your final GPA/grade/score and request a central unit of your home institution (e.g. Registry or equivalent) to certify with official stamp and signature that it is accurate and complete.

4. Score Reports of IELTS (Academic Module), TOEFL, GMAT or GRE

  • Must be sent directly by the issuing authority. Arrange electronic score reports unless such service is not available in your region. Please click here for University Codes.
  • As issuing authorities will not send reports for expired scores, it is important to arrange official reports to be sent to HKUST well before the test score expires, even if an admission offer has not been made.

5. PSC or HSK Certificates (for MA ILE applicants only)

Applicants from Universities in Other Countries/ Regions including Hong Kong
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1. Academic Credentials

  • Please submit:
    • official final transcript issued by a central unit (e.g. Registry or equivalent) of your home institution, which include the following elements:
      • your name and identification information (e.g. date of birth, ID no., etc)
      • results of all coursework and project(s) required for degree award
      • the degree awarded with award classification where applicable (e.g. first class honors)
      • your final GPA/grade/score with explanation of the grading system
    • if degree award is not explicitly specified in the transcript, certified true copy of your degree certificate/ diploma
    • for degrees from countries that do not follow the bachelor-master-doctoral system, diploma supplement* in English or other official document showing that the degree is at or above bachelor’s degree level
  • Transcripts should be sent by the following means:
    • electronic transcript: please ask your institution to share it to directly via designated secure websites, or
    • hard copy directly from your home institution to FYTGS: please include this transcript submission cover sheet, or
    • hard copy in an envelope sealed by the institution: acceptable only if the issuing authority does not provide direct delivery service. The envelope should be stamped on the sealed flap and must not be opened. Please include this transcript submission cover sheet.
  • Do not send us originals which are difficult or impossible to replace. Send officially certified true copies instead, i.e.
    • copies officially imprinted, signed, and certified by a central unit (e.g. Registry or equivalent) of your home institution, or
    • copies declared as true copies before a notary public (e.g. a Commissioner of Oaths at any local District Office in Hong Kong).
  • Documents not in English or Chinese must be accompanied by officially certified English translations. The translator should sign and stamp on both (i) the translation and (ii) the original document and certify that the translation is accurate and complete.
  • If you are applying for research studies, you are required to submit supporting documents for all degrees you obtained. For qualifications from other institutions, please refer to the appropriate sections for the requirements.

*Graduates in countries taking part in the Bologna Process have the right to receive the Diploma Supplement automatically.


2. Letter of Graduation Certification (for Final Year Students)

  • If you are a final year student whose degree award is confirmed but the degree certificate/ diploma will not be available before your study at HKUST commences, you may submit a letter of graduation certification issued by a central unit (e.g. Registry or equivalent) of your home institution as proof.
  • The letter should include the following:
    • your name and identification information (e.g. date of birth, ID no., etc)
    • the degree you will be awarded
    • the date of conferment and (if applicable) award classification
    • letterhead of your home institution
    • the name and position of the person authorized to issue the certificate
    • official stamp of your home institution

3. Letter of GPA Certification

  • If your final GPA/grade/score is not shown on your final transcript, please provide the information by requesting a central unit of your home institution (e.g. Registry or equivalent) to issue a document that includes the following:
    • your name and identification information (e.g. date of birth, ID no., etc)
    • the program of study
    • the final GPA/grade/score you achieved and the highest GPA/grade/score in the grading system of your institution (e.g. CGA 3 out of 4)
    • letterhead of your home institution
    • the name and position of the person authorized to issue the certificate
    • official stamp of your home institution
  • Alternatively, you can calculate your final GPA/grade/score and request a central unit of your home institution (e.g. Registry or equivalent) to certify with official stamp and signature that it is accurate and complete.

4. Score Reports of IELTS (Academic Module), TOEFL, GMAT or GRE

  • Must be sent directly by the issuing authority. Arrange electronic score reports unless such service is not available in your region. Please click here for University Codes.
  • As issuing authorities will not send reports for expired scores, it is important to arrange official reports to be sent to HKUST well before the test score expires, even if an admission offer has not been made.

5. PSC or HSK Certificates (for MA ILE applicants only)