HKUST & HKUST(GZ) Virtual Fair on MPhil and PhD Studies

Join the HKUST & HKUST(GZ) Virtual Fair on MPhil and PhD Studies to enjoy the one-stop experience exploring research postgraduate study opportunities. You will gain insights into various MPhil and PhD programs, information about generous scholarships, and practical advice on applications. 

Exciting highlights at the Virtual Fair:

  • Opening talk on research postgraduate studies by Prof. Charles W. W. NG, Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School and Vice-President for Graduate Support of HKUST(GZ)
  • Sharing of application tips and first-hand study experience by international students
  • Admission talks on program-specific details by different disciplines 
  • Live consultation on general or program-specific admission information in individual virtual booths

Register Now

For event highlights of HKUST(GZ), please visit here.



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Explore Gradventure, a virtual hub that unveils a world of PG study opportunities at HKUST. Connect with us, and ignite your journey to academic greatness here. Also, don’t miss out the interactive 3D tram models. 

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