Huiqian HUANG

As a PhD student at HKUST, I realize life here is full of challenges, which always go along with chances, the chance to turn you into a good researcher and the chance to teach you how to deal with unfamiliar or even difficult situations with calm and confidence. Finally you just find with no surprise that after years of training in HKUST, you are already fully-prepared for a challenging and exciting future. HKUST life helps me enjoy my present life, and will also enable me to enjoy my life in the future.


Through the Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP), I have learned and understood more about different cultures in Asia, especially about the relations between China and Japan. Also, the one-month summer camp organized by AFLSP has taught me about the problems that the countries in Asia were facing and how we could help fix them through different discussions. What's more, I have made some great friends whom I treasure for life.

Ruiqing SHEN

I fell in love with HKUST at first sight, deeply impressed by the fantastic sea views and the exquisite buildings. During the past three years, I have enjoyed doing research with outstanding, diligent and inspirational professors in the field of linguistics. I also enjoy walking around for a break and the magnificent views are an inspiration. I am sure that my experience in HKUST will have a long-lasting influence on my whole life, both academically and personally.


HKUST is absolutely the best choice for students who have academic ambitions. The professors here, all of whom received their degrees from top institutions, are really good at motivating their students. They are also very approachable; you can always develop new ideas together with them.

Wenwei CHE

Being a member of the HKUST really has opened a new chapter in my life. I have been introduced to new areas of interest and equipped with knowledge and skills. My vision of possibilities has broadened and I have developed what I hope will be lifelong friendships. The experience of studying at HKUST has allowed me to challenge myself, explore my interests, see what the possibilities are and to see what I can achieve.


I am very happy that I came to HKUST. The campus is incredibly scenic. In addition, the faculty and staff members here provide great support to students. It is an ideal place to pursue a doctoral degree.

Baolian WANG

Studying at HKUST has many advantages: living on a beautiful campus and working with a group of great scholars are the two most obvious ones. The rigorous academic training I have received at HKUST means I am now ready to pursue an exciting academic career.


HKUST, a university full of energy and achievement, offers tremendous academic and cultural opportunities for us to develop ourselves. Professors are all world-famous and prepared to provide us with helpful instructions on both research and life. Many brilliant, hard-working students with diverse backgrounds work together, exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. Thanks to HKUST, we can live and study in one of the best and most beautiful universities in Asia.