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Study Commitment

Students admitted to a full-time program are expected to study full-time for their programs, and are cautioned that outside work commitments may impede their academic performance.

Full-time research postgraduate (RPg) students are provided with Postgraduate Studentships to ensure that they do not need to be concerned with looking for other sources of income to support themselves. Although study-related work may be desirable experiences to have, they may not be critical to the studies being pursued. Full-time RPg students should devote full efforts to their studies.


Employment During Study

Full-time RPg students are not encouraged to take up any employment outside their research studies regardless of whether or not they are receiving Postgraduate Studentship (PGS) awards.

Full-time RPg students, both local and non-local, who wish to take up any kinds of employment during their studies are required to obtain prior approval from the thesis supervisor and the departmental PG Coordinator. For employment involving 18 hours or more per week, special approval from the respective Associate Dean (PG) should be sought. The approval form is available here. PGS will be temporarily suspended during the period of employment approved by the University.

For students who are Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme holders, exceptional approval from the RGC has to be obtained.

Students are strongly encouraged to discuss the study plans with their supervisors who will provide advising and support where needed, and ensure that the employment will not bring adverse impact to their studies/research. Students should also ensure that there is no conflict of interest with the research work/studies and no breaching of University's Intellectual Property Policy arising from the employment. Prior approval from supervisors/PG coordinators has to be obtained if there is potential conflict of interest.

Non-local students must be mindful that they shall comply with the conditions of stay laid down by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. They are also required to have obtained the relevant No Objection Letter (NOL) from the Hong Kong Immigration Department in advance.

Details on employment of non-local students during their studies are available at the Career Center website.

Note: The arrangements pertaining to engagement in employment for RPg students will be reviewed in November 2025 alongside the latest Government policy. Students should not presume that the said arrangements will continue to apply in or after November 2025, and shall consult FYTGS in case of queries.


Annual Leave

With the prior approval of the Department, full-time research postgraduate students may have up to 21 calendar days’ leave in an academic year (1 September to 31 August). This leave is inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays that lie within the leave period. Those who arrive late will have their annual leave pro-rated.

Unused leave for one year cannot be carried forward to the next academic year. The decision on whether or not a leave request should be granted rests jointly with the thesis supervisor of the student and the departmental PG Coordinator.