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Study Commitment

Students admitted to a full-time program are expected to study full-time for their programs, and are cautioned that outside work commitments may impede their academic performance.


Employment During Study

All full-time local and non-local taught postgraduate (TPg) students may take up employment without any limit on the work hours and location. However, to ensure satisfactory academic performance, TPg students are strongly advised not to take up employment of more than 18 hours per week.

To facilitate academic advising and program planning, the University extends support to TPg students by inviting them to report in broad terms their employment during their studies at the end of each term.

Students are strongly encouraged to discuss the study plans with their Program Directors who will provide advising and support where needed. Students should ensure that there is no conflict of interest with the studies and no breaching of University’s Intellectual Property Policy arising from the employment. Prior approval from Program Director has to be obtained if there is potential conflict of interest.

Non-local students must be mindful that they shall comply with the  conditions of stay laid down by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. They are also required to have obtained the relevant No Objection Letter from the Hong Kong Immigration Department in advance.

Details on employment of non-local students during their studies are available at the Career Center website. 

Note: The arrangements pertaining to engagement in employment for TPg students will be reviewed in November 2025 alongside the latest Government policy. Students should not presume that the said arrangements will continue to apply in or after November 2025, and shall consult FYTGS in case of queries.