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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) was established in 1991 by the HKUST Ordinance under Chapter 1141 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Its mission is to advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research, particularly in science, technology, engineering, management and business studies, at the postgraduate level, and to assist in the economic and social development of Hong Kong.

Stipulated in the University Ordinance and Statutes are three major bodies in the University governance structure, namely the Court, Council and Senate. The Court is the supreme advisory body of the University. The Council is the supreme governing and executive body. The Senate is the supreme academic body, which is responsible for setting and reviewing academic policies.

The Senate has delegated some of its powers and duties to the committees that it has set up. Among the committees, the Committee on Postgraduate Studies advises and makes recommendations to the Senate on policies and regulations, and to monitor and review procedures, quality and performance relating to postgraduate studies, while the Committee on Teaching and Learning Quality advises and makes recommendations to the Senate on policies, regulations and guidelines relating to the quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment.

The University is led by the President, who together with the Provost and the three Vice-Presidents formed the senior administration.

The Provost provides overall academic leadership, and is responsible for the academic oversight and planning relating to graduate studies. Reporting to the Provost, the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School performs two main functions: Postgraduate Secretariat, which oversees and coordinates matters related to research and taught postgraduate studies and serves as the secretariat for the Committee on Postgraduate Studies; and Postgraduate Outreach and Admissions, which deals with outreach and admissions matters for all postgraduate programs.