Teresa LAW


"The path of an entrepreneur is a battle that never ends, but we always come up with solutions. That's the HKUST spirit."


Teresa and her husband, George, are "builders of green intelligence" who found their calling at HKUST. They formed a company in pursuit of their dream — to improve the quality of life with imagination, innovation and intelligence. Being a student of the late Professor Hiroyuki Hiraoka, Teresa won't have any hesitation in dreaming big - her supervisor miraculously turned carbon into diamond. With solid training in their research studies at HKUST, the couple is poised to take challenges with persistence, perseverance and a positive and innovative mindset. So, even the path of entrepreneurs is a battle that never ends, they come up with innovative solutions each and every time.


As innovators, Teresa and George invented many technologies and owned over 130 worldwide invention patents on smart data management, internet of things (ioT), air purifications, healthcare and environmental monitoring. They developed the world’s first indoor environment analyzer, and the world's first machine-to-machine interconnected air purification system, which enables organizations like schools, hotels and elderly homes, as well as individuals to monitor and improve the indoor air quality intelligently. Their innovations earned them a Technology Achievement Award at the Hong Kong Awards for Industries and recognition from the industries.


Currently, Teresa serves as the vetting committee member and panel assessor for Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) and a panel member of Innovation & Technology Fund (ITF) for Better Living. She is also appointed as the Appeal Board Panel Member for Town Planning Department, by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.


Deputy Chairman, Activities & Events Sub-com Chairman and Innovation & Technology Sub-com Chairman, Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association 


from Hong Kong


PhD in Chemistry

Area of Study
Multiple Image
Teresa LAW