Alison LI
I believe most of the major challenges in the environmental sciences require multidisciplinary solutions. I am aspired to be a professional who not only understands science but is also able to communicate the concept and ideas with laymen. I majored in Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT) during my undergraduate study at HKUST and continue my research study (ESPM) in the same field. The MPhil programs at HKUST are well-designed with great flexibility that enables me to get involved in both scientific analysis and project management. Aside from conducting research, I also have the opportunities to cooperate with people from various backgrounds, such as top researchers, consultants and other students. Our goal is to develop the world's first Personalized Real-Time Air Quality Informatics System for Exposure - Hong Kong (PRAISE-HK), an innovative mobile app that helps us to manage and reduce our individual exposure to air pollutants.
from Hong Kong
PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science
MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management