- Preface
- University Governance
- Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
- Policies and Practices Governing Research Activities
- Admissions
- Fees
- Scholarships, Awards and Financial Assistance
- Registration in Programs
- Study Commitment
- Curriculum Requirements (with guidelines on thesis research)
- Course Registration
- Course Substitution and Credit Transfer
- Course Grading
- Progression and Academic Standing
- Graduation
- Appeals and Grievance Channels
- Glossary of Terms
Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
The HKUST Academic Honor Code
Honesty and integrity are central to the academic work of HKUST. Students of the University must observe and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty in all the work they do throughout their program of study.
As members of the University community, students have the responsibility to help maintain the academic reputation of HKUST in its academic endeavors.
Sanctions will be imposed on students if they are found to have violated the regulations governing academic integrity and honesty.
More information is available here.
Student Conduct
The University expects good conduct from its students and may take disciplinary action under the Regulations for Student Conduct against students, current or former, who are found, either individually or in aggregate with others, to have committed misconduct.
More information is available here.
Academic Integrity
The University’s approach to academic misconduct, involving breaches of the Academic Honor Code and academic integrity, is fundamentally educational, striving to foster a strong ethical foundation among its students. The process for dealing with academic misconduct is designed to enable students to better understand the nature of academic misconduct and the high standards of academic integrity that are expected of them. The sanctions applied in confirmed cases of academic misconduct are intended to communicate to the University community that the University has zero tolerance towards breaches of academic integrity.
More information is available here.
Policies and Regulations
For details on University policies and regulations governing student conduct, academic integrity and research conduct, please refer to: