- Preface
- University Governance
- Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
- Policies and Practices Governing Research Activities
- Admissions
- Fees
- Scholarships, Awards and Financial Assistance
- Registration in Programs
- Study Commitment
- Curriculum Requirements (with guidelines on thesis research)
- Course Registration
- Course Substitution and Credit Transfer
- Course Grading
- Progression and Academic Standing
- Graduation
- Appeals and Grievance Channels
- Glossary of Terms
Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies
Course Substitution and Credit Transfer
Course Substitution
Course substitution may be granted if the student can provide evidence, such as a transcript and course syllabus, that a course is equivalent in content and level to another course taken elsewhere, for which a satisfactory grade has been obtained. The course taken previously should be equivalent to 4000-level or above. No credits will be given for the exempted course and the student will be required to take an approved alternative course to fulfill program requirements.
Applications for course substitution must be made to the Department during students’ first term of study after admission. The application must first be reviewed by the course instructor on the equivalency in course content and level; if supported, approval from the Department Head/PG Coordinator is required.
Credit Transfer
Credit transfer may be granted to students in recognition of studies completed elsewhere at an appropriate level as recognized by the University. Students applying for credit transfer must provide evidence, such as a transcript and course syllabus, to illustrate that a course is equivalent in content and level to another course taken elsewhere, for which a satisfactory grade has been obtained.
Applications must be made to students’ Department during their first term after admission. For students who complete studies elsewhere during their registration at HKUST, for example on an exchange program, applications must be submitted to the Department for approval within one month after students’ return to their study at HKUST. Late applications will not be considered.
Applications must first be reviewed by the course instructor; if supported, approval from the Department Head/PG Coordinator is required. The number of transfer credits to be granted will be determined by the Department following a review of past academic records and the level of equivalence to HKUST courses concerned. Conditions on the granting of transfer credits to research postgraduate students are as follows:
- Credits earned at the undergraduate level can only be used for credit transfer purpose if the credits had not been used to earn another academic qualification, and that the course must be at 4000-level or above.
- Notwithstanding the above, for postgraduate programs under Integrated Bachelor-Master Pathways requiring 30 credits or above, unless restricted by the respective program regulations defined otherwise, a maximum of nine credits earned at the undergraduate level can be used for credit transfer. For those programs requiring less than 30 credits, a maximum of six credits earned at the undergraduate level can be used for credit transfer.
- Transfer credits cannot be granted in recognition of non-coursework experience or research work completed either at the University or at other institutions.
- Credits for transfer must be at grade ‘B’ or above.
Transfer credits granted will not be included in the calculation of grade averages but the courses approved for credit transfer will be reflected on students’ transcripts.
Transfer of Course Grades and Credits on Resumption of Studies
Students who have previously withdrawn from their program of study at the University but who, after a period of time, are re-admitted to a program at the University, may be allowed to transfer their previous course grades and credits to the new program of study. Such a transfer of course grades and credits is restricted to courses which have been completed within five years prior to the resumption of study at the University. In addition, these credits must not have been used to earn any academic qualifications either at the University or elsewhere.