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Medium of Instruction and Assessment

Unless otherwise approved by the Senate for a specific course or program of study, English is the medium of instruction and assessment at the University.


Adherence to the Curriculum

Each student enrolled in a specific program is subject to the requirements of the Department and the University. All postgraduate students must adhere to the curriculum of the year of entry throughout their program of study.

Students should ensure that they understand the curriculum requirements of their program and plan ahead to complete their program within the permitted duration of study. In case of deviations from School/departmental/program requirements, approval must be obtained from the Dean or the Dean’s designee. Deviations from University requirements must be approved by the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.

Departments should, as far as possible, deliver the curriculum advertised unless due to special circumstances, changes to the original curriculum are necessary or advantageous.

Detailed curriculum requirements for students admitted in different academic years are published in the Postgraduate Program Catalog.


General Requirements of Taught Postgraduate Programs

DBA, EMBA, MA, MBA, MPM, MPP and MSc programs are coursework degrees for which students must fulfill a minimum course requirement specified in the program descriptions in the Postgraduate Program Catalog. Students may also undertake a project under supervision of a faculty member. Projects require the submission of a written report, as specified by the Department, and carry a maximum of nine credits.

Students on postgraduate diploma programs must fulfill a minimum coursework requirement of 15 credits. Those on postgraduate certificate programs must fulfill a minimum coursework requirement of eight credits.


DBA Thesis Research

In addition to coursework requirements, DBA students will undertake thesis research under the direction of their thesis supervisors. They are required to pass a qualifying examination within a stipulated period. Those who fail the qualifying examination after two attempts are not allowed to continue with their doctoral studies.

Unless otherwise specified, the DBA Program will follow the same guidelines on thesis research for PhD programs. Please refer to the following guidelines applicable to DBA students for details:

  1. Guidelines on Thesis Supervision
  2. Guidelines on Thesis Preparation
  3. Guidelines on DBA Thesis Examination Committees
  4. Guidelines for Scheduling, Preparing for and Executing Doctoral Thesis Examinations
  5. Guidelines on Conducting MPhil and Doctoral Thesis Examinations