Competent and diligent students, the acceptance and tolerance of diversified views, as well as its zooming and booming status, have made HKUST fertile soil for the nourishment and nurture of young scholars. All these are important factors that have allowed me to survive and thrive in the academia, and so I can proudly say I would never trade my years at HKUST for anything.

Joyce MAK

"Doing RPg studies in HKUST has opened the door for me to do scientific research." As a PhD student, Joyce is becoming ever better equipped to engage in research studies in this ever-changing scientific world. In addition to gaining hands-on experience through conducting daily laboratory work, she is learning to communicate more effectively by making regular presentations. By attending divisional and IAS seminars, she keeps up with the latest trends in the life science, exchanges ideas with scientists from around the world, and develops critical thinking skills.

Shaozhong YANG

HKUST is a very nice place to do research and pursue postgraduate studies. The campus has got a great sea view and beautiful scenery. And I am so lucky to be one of the awardees of the Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) which aims to support young people from Asia to pursue academic excellence and develop cross-cultural sensitivity. I have met many new friends from all over Asia through the AFLSP. It's interesting to learn more about the Sino-Japanese culture as well. Also, I am thrilled to become a HK PhD Fellowship Awardee here.

Keira Lee RICE

I decided to stay at HKUST after my undergraduate studies here because I have found comfort in our beautiful seaside campus equipped with great research facilities and lab-mates which make me feel I belong.